ELLs in Gifted/Talented Programs

Three girls smiling as they do work on a tablet computer

English language learners (ELLs) can often be overlooked when students are identified for gifted and talented programs, particularly if tests are verbal or depend on teacher recommendation.  These resources and news stories offer ways that teachers and parents can increase ELL access to opportunities for gifted students.

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Research and Reports

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National Association for Gifted Children

Recursos Para los Padres de Familia

The NAGC Spanish brochure, Helping Your Gifted Child to Succeed, was developed by the NAGC Parent Editorial Content & Advisory Board with many collaborators from across the U.S. and beyond, including the Mexican Association for the Gifted, and gifted thought leaders in South America. The goal is to help educate Hispanic and Latino parents on the traits and characteristics of giftedness, how to identify high-ability children, programming available, and how to support gifted children at home, school, and play so they may reach their potential.

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