Hawaii TESOL

Hawaii TESOL is committed to building a community of professionals teaching ESL (English as a Second Language) in the State of Hawaii.

Hawaii State Parent Information Resource Centers

The overall goal of the Hawaii State PIRC is to increase parental involvement in their children's education to improve academic achievement and to strengthen school-family-community partnerships in meeting children's educational needs.

Hawaii State Teachers Association

Hawaii State Teachers Association is a National Education Association State Affiliate that regularly lobbies legislators for the resources schools need, campaigns for higher professional standards for the teaching profession, and files legal actions to pr
By: Graham Salisbury

Japanese Americans in Hawaii during World War II identified themselves as Americans, but their fellow enlisted soldiers didn't necessarily see them that way.

By: Grace Lin

Olvina can swim about as well as she can fly, but her reluctance to swim hasn't been a problem until she's on vacation in Hawaii with her friend Hailey. Will Olvina let her fear of the water spoil her fun? Not with Hailey on the job.
