PEAK Parent Center

PEAK Parent Center provides training, information, and technical assistance to equip parents with strategies to advocate successfully for their children with disabilities. Some information is available in Spanish.

PBS Parents

Here you'll find information about your child's development, fun educational activities, information about PBS KIDS programs, and much more!

Between the Lions

Between the Lions is an award-winning PBS children's series designed to help young children learn to read. The Web site includes games and materials from the show, including a literacy curriculum aimed at children ages 4-7.

Parent-Child Home Program

The Parent-Child Home Program (formerly the Mother-Child Home Program) is a proven, innovative home-based literacy and parenting program serving families challenged by poverty, low-levels of education, language barriers and other obstacles to educational success.

Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center

The Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center assists the families of children with disabilities through education, information and training. PEATC builds parent-professional partnerships to promote success in school and community life.

NEA's Help for Parents

The National Education Association has created Help for Parents to provide information and resources to help parents understand what's happening in their child's classroom.

Family Education Network

This section of the Learning Network is designed to help parents stay connected to their children's learning. Find homework help, creative activities, printables, games, and ideas from other parents and experts.


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