Best Evidence Encyclopedia: ELLs

The English-language Learners section of the Best Evidence Encyclopedia summarizes the impact of a few online reading programs for English-language learners and other language minority students in the elementary grades.

Pre-K Now

Offers resources for Pre-K advocates, policymakers, business and community leaders, educators, and family.

University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning

The Center for Research on Learning is an internationally recognized research and development organization noted for creating solutions that dramatically improve quality of life, learning, and performance, especially for those who experience barriers to success.


A nonprofit research, development, and service agency, WestEd strives to enhance and increase education and human development within schools, families, and communities.

Stern Center for Language and Learning

The Stern Center is a non-profit learning and literacy center providing direct service to individuals (instruction and diagnostic services), professional development for educators, and research on learning and literacy.


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