I taught for 36 years. I retired as an ESL teacher. From my experience as a classroom teacher, I know that it is important to know what skills a child already has and skills they need to learn. I also know there has to be assessment. But the tests by which teachers, schools and students are evaluated are a one size fits all. Academic freedom to just teach is just gone. Now we teach by prescription. Children's natural creativity has been replaced with taking tests on paper. I am glad I retired when I did. I could not teach the way I was required with a clear conscience. When will finally see that kids need time to learn and teachers really want to teach, not just look good on a database? NCLB has only given bean counters a job and will not help kids to become more effective learners. That is what teaching is; helping kids to survive with quality in real life. That is the true report card on education and we are failing our kids with too much bureaucracy and little humanity. Just let teachers who love to teach do exactly that without fear of offending NCLB. Just give teachers who love kids and the kids a break! Teachers need to feel respected for a very difficult profession and kids need to have a chance to learn to love learning.

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