All the Stars Denied

In the heart of the Great Depression, Rancho Las Moras, like everywhere else in Texas, is gripped by the drought of the Dust Bowl, and resentment is building among white farmers against Mexican Americans. All around town, signs go up proclaiming No Dogs or Mexicans and No Mexicans Allowed. When Estrella organizes a protest against the treatment of tejanos in their town of Monteseco, Texas, her whole family becomes a target of repatriation efforts to send Mexicans back to Mexico whether they were ever Mexican citizens or not.
Culture/Community: Mexican / Mexican American
Heritage & History: Hispanic Heritage and History
Themes for Middle Grade/YA: Coming of Age, Identity, Race, Racism, and Prejudice, Activism and Social Justice, Civil Rights, U.S. History
Genre: Historical Fiction
Audiobook: No
Age Level: Middle Grade
Publisher: Lee & Low Books