Bilingual & Dual-Language Education: An Overview

three young people looking at a laptop screen

Bilingual and dual-language education programs are becoming more common throughout the country. Learn about bilingual and dual-language instruction and policy, considerations for special education, and tips for parents on raising bilingual children!

Photo credit: Courtesy of Allison Shelley/The Verbatim Agency for American Education: Images of Teachers and Students in Action.

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What You'll Find in This Section

A smiling woman and child looking at something on a table.

The articles in this section discuss policy surrounding bilingual education, dual-language education programs and the use of the home language in a child's schooling.  We encourage you to join the discussion through the comment boxes at the bottom of each article!

Bilingual Education Policy

medals spread out

The Seal of Biliteracy is an award given by a school, district, or state in recognition of students who have studied and attained proficiency in two or more languages by high school graduation. It encourages students to pursue biliteracy, honors the skills our students attain, and can be evidence of skills that are attractive to future employers and college admissions offices.

Seal of Biliteracy: An Overview

smiling girl sitting at a dining table

One of the greatest gifts you can give your child is the gift of two (or more!) languages. Being bilingual is good for your child's brain, makes communication with grandparents and relatives easier, and is an advantage for finding jobs in the future. To learn more, see our resources for ideas on raising bilingual children here.

Raising Bilingual Kids

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