The Preschool Years

The early years of a child's life make a big difference! From getting ready to read to getting ready to enter school, there are lots of ways to help make the most of this important time. Preschool programs can provide wonderful opportunities for your child to learn and grow, and some bilingual programs offer opportunities to learn in two languages. Even if your child isn't in preschool, there are many things you can do at home together, such as practicing letters and numbers, singing nursery rhymes, and reading with your child. Take a look at the topics below for ideas and activities designed for your preschooler.
What You'll Find in This Section
Preschool is an important opportunity for young children to get a head start in their education, but you may have lots of questions about how preschool works and what is needed to enroll your child. These articles offer information and recommended resources to answer your questions.
Preschool: What You Need to Know
The preschool years are an important time to help your child get ready to read and write. These articles include lots of activity ideas designed for you to do with your preschooler at home or anywhere you go together.
Early Literacy in Preschool
Did you know that the number of words a child knows when entering school can predict future success? One of the most important things you can do to teach your child more words is to talk with him or her regularly, especially during early years. Learn more from the articles and tips below!
Build Your Child's Vocabulary
Do you remember a favorite story or song from your childhood? If so, share it with your child! Not only do stories and music help build the skills that are an important part of learning to read, but they also are a connection to your family history, culture, and language. Here are some ideas to try!
Storytelling, Music, and Rhyme
Before your child starts kindergarten, you may be wondering what to expect and what you can do to make the transition a little easier. These resources will help you both get ready for the big change and give you some ideas for some activities you can try together before the new school year starts.