When I Was Puerto Rican

Product Description: Esmeralda Santiago's story begins in rural Puerto Rico, where her childhood was full of both tenderness and domestic strife, tropical sounds and sights as well as poverty. When her mother, Mami, a force of nature, takes off to New York with her seven (soon to be eleven) children, Esmeralda as the oldest must learn new rules, a new language, and eventually take on a new identity.
Special Populations: English Language Learners (ELLs), Newcomers
Culture/Community: Puerto Rican
Themes for Middle Grade/YA: Coming of Age, Identity, Immigration, Journeys, Urban Stories
Genre: Autobiography/Memoir
Audiobook: No
Age Level: Young Adult
Book Series: Across Cultures in YA: Hispanic Heritage, Autobiography and Memoir for Young Adults: Hispanic Heritage, Immigrant Stories: Books for Young Adults, Puerto Rican Stories: Books for Middle Grades and Young Adults