The Whole Sky Full of Stars

Product Description: Barry can punch anyone hard enough to make them see a whole sky full of stars, though that's not really his style. Barry and Alby have been friends since the first grade. They've always protected one another. When Barry's pop dies, times are tough and the only thing Barry has of value is his dad's 1964 Ford Galaxie. Meanwhile Alby's got himself into big trouble with a cardshark. So he hatches a plan to make money for himself and Barry. The problem is, Barry could get hurt, and it just might cost Alby their friendship. How much can you ask of a friend?
Heritage & History: Hispanic Heritage and History
Themes for Middle Grade/YA: Family and Friends, Grief and Death, Violence
Genre: Fiction
Format: Novel
Audiobook: No
Age Level: Young Adult
Publisher: Laurel Leaf