Supporting Syrian Refugees: Related Resources

The following information provides background information for teachers and students on the civil war that has driven Syrians from their country, as well as an overview of some Syrian cultural customs. We also provide news headlines of stories highlighting the experiences of Syrian families and efforts made to welcome them to their new homes.

For more information about refugees, see our related resource section and recommended web resources.

Photo credit: PBS NewsHour.

Background Information

Refugees in the U.S.

Reports and Special Projects

Invisible Wounds: The impact of six years of war on the mental health of Syria’s children (2016)

Six years of war in Syria has caused deep psychological scars among many Syrian children, increasing their long-term risk of suicide, heart disease, diabetes, substance abuse, and depression, according to a report released today by Save the Children. Save the Children and its Syrian partners interviewed more than 450 children, adolescents and adults across seven regions in Syria for "Invisible Wounds," the largest and most comprehensive study undertaken inside Syria to examine children’s mental health and well-being.

Sesame Street and the International Rescue Committee Team Up On Behalf of Refugees

Sesame Workshop and the IRC are currently developing a partnership to deliver early learning and social-emotional support to millions of refugee children in Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, and Syria.  You can learn more about the partnership on the Sesame Workshop website, as well as from this NPR story about the work the team is doing to solicit input from "relief organizations, trauma experts, academics, and others who have worked with refugees."

Update: Sesame Street launches TV show for children affected by Syrian civil war (PBS NewsHour)

Classroom Resources and Books

Booklist: Syrian Stories for Children

These books for children highlight the experiences of Syrian children, with a particular focus on refugees from Syria's civil war and the more general refugee experience. You can also learn more about Syria's folklore and cultural traditions in Muna Imady's collection of Syrian folktales, which she gathered from around the country.

Lesson Plans

News Headlines