David Carter

Books by This Author

Hide & Seek

Age Level: 6-9
Complex engineered paper constructions create a series of worlds in which viewers are encouraged to locate various objects. In one, "Five black spots, four blossoms blue" and more are hidden in a lush garden that emerges from a red page. Each spread deserves many examinations.

I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You

Cammie attends the private Gallagher Academy, a boarding school for spies in training. The only problem is that it's an all-girls school. So when she meets a boy from town, she has to put her best skills to use to see him without letting him find out her true story, or letting her Mom find out she's sneaking around. A great chick-lit meets spy story.

Let's Make It Pop-Up

Age Level: 6-9
All of the supplies are provided, along with explicit directions to make a variety of pop-ups — everything from a big mouth frog to a gingerbread house. Building on the basic ideas, variations are suggested to make more pop-ups. You can write a story or make a card with this colorful paper art.