Lesley Morrow

Books by This Author

Learning to Read: Lessons from Exemplary First-Grade Classrooms

An important goal in every first-grade classroom is to get children reading--but how? This book examines current research on first-grade literacy instruction, and shows how it translates into what good teachers really do in the classroom. The authors, premier early literacy scholars and educators, describe several studies of effective beginning reading instruction conducted across the country.

Reading Team: A Handbook for Volunteer Tutors : K-3

This handbook is designed to provide volunteer tutors with specific hands-on information about the tutoring process. Tutors will learn how to get students excited about learning to read, how to structure and implement tutoring sessions, and how to keep records and evaluate both students and themselves.

Reading Team: A Handbook for Volunteer Tutors, K-3

This handbook is designed to provide volunteer tutors with specific hands-on information about the tutoring process. Tutors will learn how to get students excited about learning to read, how to structure and implement tutoring sessions, and how to keep records and evaluate both students and themselves.

Books by This Editor

Best Practices in Literacy Instruction

Recent school reform efforts have emphasized the need for higher literacy standards in schools across the country. Offering practical guidance for literacy educators, curriculum development specialists, and other education professionals and policy makers, this volume considers how we can most effectively improve the quality and content of reading and writing instruction.