Everything Asian: A Novel

You're twelve years old. A month has passed since your Korean Air flight landed at lovely Newark Airport. Your fifteen-year-old sister is miserable. Your mother isn't exactly happy, either. You're seeing your father for the first time in five years, and although he's nice enough, he might be, well — how can you put this delicately? — a loser. You can't speak English, but that doesn't stop you from working at East Meets West, your father's gift shop in a strip mall, where everything is new. Welcome to the wonderful world of David Kim.
Special Populations: English Language Learners (ELLs), Newcomers
Culture/Community: Korean / Korean American
Heritage & History: Asian American/Pacific Islander Heritage and History
Themes for Middle Grade/YA: Coming of Age, Family and Friends, Identity, Immigration, Journeys
Genre: Fiction
Format: Novel
Audiobook: No
Age Level: Middle Grade, Young Adult