Juana and Lucas

Illustration of young girl and her dog reading a book together

Juana loves many things — drawing, eating Brussels sprouts, living in Bogotá, Colombia, and especially her dog, Lucas, the best amigo ever. She does not love wearing her itchy school uniform, solving math problems, or going to dance class. And she especially does not love learning the English. Why is it so important to learn a language that makes so little sense? But when Juana’s abuelos tell her about a special trip they are planning—one that Juana will need to speak English to go on—Juana begins to wonder whether learning the English might be a good use of her time after all.

Language: English,Spanish vocabulary featured
Special Populations: English Language Learners (ELLs)
Culture/Community: Colombian / Colombian American
Heritage & History: Hispanic Heritage and History
Genre: Fiction
Age Level: 6-9
Publisher: Candlewick Press