The Problem with Being Slightly Heroic
Illustrated by:

Dini and Maddie, very best friends, are back in the same country at the same time! Better still, Dolly Singh, the starriest star in all of Bollywood, is in America too. Life seems perfect to Dini — but why can't she untie the knot in her stomach? Because so much can go wrong when a big star like Dolly is in town. This sequel to The Grand Plan to Fix Everything will have fans cheering for Dini's ability to save the day once again!
Culture/Community: Indian / Indian American
Heritage & History: Asian American/Pacific Islander Heritage and History
Themes for Middle Grade/YA: Action and Adventure, TV and Movie Tie-Ins, Family and Friends
Audiobook: No
Age Level: Middle Grade
Book Series: Tales of Courage: Asian Pacific American Heritage, Strong Girls: Asian Pacific American Heritage (Grades 6-8), Bollywood Stories: Middle Grade and Young Adult