Spanish Is My Superpower!

Illustrated by:
Picture of Rosita and friends

Rosita and her Mami are told not to speak Spanish at the supermarket. While discussing the upsetting encounter with her friends, Rosita is reminded how smart and special she is to speak two languages. And that the ability to do so is like having a superpower!

This important book — inspired by the video of the same name on the Sesame Street in Communities website — is a helpful way to introduce a tough yet important topic to young children.

Related Video: Spanish Is My Superpower

When Rosita doesn’t want to play Veo Veo (I Spy), her friend Sophía asks why. Rosita shares it’s because she had a scary encounter at a grocery store where people told her to not speak Spanish and treated her unfairly. Rosita’s Mami explains that in situations like this where you feel unsafe, the best thing to do is walk away and find a grown-up to help you. Rosita realizes she is proud to speak Spanish, it’s like having a super power!

Bonus Video: Being Bilingual Is a Superpower!

Learn how you can help your child learn to read by celebrating your language, culture, and special time together at home. This video is also available in 7 other languages.

Language: English,Spanish vocabulary featured
Culture/Community: Mexican / Mexican American
Heritage & History: Hispanic Heritage and History
Genre: Fiction
Format: Picture Book
Age Level: 3-6
Publisher: Penguin Random House