Enabling Academic Success For Secondary Students with Limited Formal Schooling: A Study of the Haitian Literacy Program at Hyde Park High School in Boston
This publication addresses this concern by documenting a successful literacy program in one Boston public school: the Haitian Literacy Program at Hyde Park High School. In operation since 1988, the Haitian Literacy Program is the longest-running high school literacy program in the region for bilingual students with limited formal education and the only such program that we are aware of in the nation for Haitians. Through a case study approach, the publication examines students' educational success and the program traits that staff and students believe have enabled academic achievement, high school graduation, and higher education participation.
Walsh, C.E., (1999). Northeast and Islands Regional Educational Laboratory: A Program of The Education Alliance at Brown University. Enabling Academic Success For Secondary Students with Limited Formal Schooling: A Study of the Haitian Literacy Program at Hyde Park High School in Boston.