Teen Pregnancy & High School Dropout: What Communities Can Do To Address These Issues

Organization: The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy

Nearly one-third of teen girls who have dropped out of high school cite early pregnancy or parenthood as a key reason. Only 40 percent of teen moms finish high school, and less than two percent of teen mothers (those who have a baby before age 18) finish college by age 30. The primary focus of this report is to highlight innovative ways school systems (particularly persistently low-achieving school districts with high teen birth rates), public agencies, and community-based organizations that oversee teen pregnancy prevention programs are working together with the common goal of helping students avoid early pregnancy and parenthood and complete their high school education.


Shuger, L. (2012). Teen Pregnancy and High School Dropout: What Communities are Doing to Address These Issues. Washington, DC: The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy and America's Promise Alliance.