ESL Curriculum Units template

Julie Motta is the Assistant Superintendent of the East Providence School District in Rhode Island and formerly the ESL Director of Pawtucket Schools.  In this blog post written for Colorín Colorado, Julie walks through a template that she has been using with her ESL teachers to make curriculum units aligned to the Common Core State Standards more accessible to ELs and highlights the many strengths and areas of expertise her teachers bring to the process.

Polar bear walking on ice

In this collaborative strategy, students listen to a short text about their current unit of study several times and reconstruct the text together.

Amanda Reynolds is a fourth-grade teacher at Claremont Dual-Immersion Elementary School in Arlington, Virginia.  In this interview, she explains how collaboration works in her school's dual-immersion model and the kinds of supports she gives ELLs in th

Scripting Lesson Plans

1st-grade teachers discuss the process of carefully scripting ELL lesson plans aligned to the Common Core, as well as the level of scaffolding and detail needed ...
