Pre-teaching content

Pre-teaching content and vocabulary can help prepare students for content-area instruction by giving them a chance to get familiar with the material prior to the lesson.

A young boy in a classroom smiling at something off-camera

These classroom video modules and lesson plan offer a model of Common Core-aligned instruction with English language learners in elementary, middle, and high school. Additional lesson plans and curriculum guidelines are featured below.

A teacher helping a student with her reading

With the beginning of the new school year, this week I’ll share some recently developed Common Core materials for English language learners that have been updated or that I have recently become aware of.

High school math teacher with student

Learn how to make math lessons more accessible to English learners by building background knowledge, increasing student language production, and explicitly teaching academic language.

A woman helping a young girl with her reading.

Part II of the series on informational text will first provide an overview of what close reading is and could mean for ELLs, including some definitions of close reading. Then I’ll present the role of background knowledge, which is a major consideration with teaching ELLs close reading, and share some recommended resources.
