For upper elementary, middle school, and high school teachers

Although Colorín Colorado was designed for PreK-3, much of the information on this web site is also relevant for grades 4-8. English language learners (ELLs) enter U.S. schools in all grade levels, and with a wide range of backgrounds, reading skills, English language proficiency, and content knowledge. Older ELLs (and their teachers) face many of the same challenges that are present with ELLs in the early grades.

We encourage you to browse this web site and glean any information, suggestions, or resources that are relevant to your situation. You might find the Teaching content areas section to be of particular interest.

Although the Teaching reading section is more specifically geared to the earlier grades, it may still prove helpful. Many older ELLs may still need explicit instruction with basic reading skills, reading comprehension skills, and developing depth and breadth of vocabulary.

Be sure to adjust strategies and reading materials so that they are age-appropriate for your students. It is important to find texts, books, and poetry that may have lower reading levels, but are still age appropriate in terms of interest, content, and appearance.

For additional information and resources on upper grades, take a look at our monthly electronic newsletter, the T·ELL·E-GRAM. It offers research-based support and field-tested ideas to preK-12 educators of English language learners (ELLs).

In our Bright Ideas that Work and our Book of the Month for Children and Youth section, you'll find activities for both lower and upper grades.

You can also watch a webcast about English language learners in middle and high school. Includes recommended readings, discussion questions, a transcript, and related links.

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