Emily Goldberg Learns to Salsa

"When high-school senior Emily Goldberg leaves her New York suburban home to attend her grandmother's funeral in Puerto Rico, it's her first meeting with her mother's extended family…Emily stays in Puerto Rico for the summer to help Mom reconnect with what she left behind, and discovers a new world…Ostow draws on her own half-Jewish, half-Puerto Rican roots to tell a moving story that has a solid plotline and plenty of family secrets — past and present — as it opens up issues of tradition, feminism, friendship, and loyalty." — Booklist
Culture/Community: Puerto Rican
Heritage & History: Caribbean Heritage and History, Hispanic Heritage and History
Themes for Middle Grade/YA: Comedy, Summer Stories, Coming of Age, Family and Friends, Identity, Journeys
Genre: Fiction
Format: Novel
Audiobook: No
Age Level: Middle Grade
Publisher: Razorbill