Henry's First-Moon Birthday
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Product Description: Jenny's baby brother Henry is having his one-month birthday — his first-moon, as it's called in Chinese. And even though Jenny's sure he doesn't deserve it (all Henry does is sleep, eat, and cry) there's a big celebration planned for him. Together, Jenny and her grandma get everything ready, from dyeing eggs a lucky red to preparing pigs' feet and ginger soup. And someday, when Henry's old enough to appreciate all her hard work, Jenny will tell him how lucky he was to have her in charge.
Age Level: 3-6
Publisher: Atheneum Books for Young Readers
Book Series: Board Books and More: Asian Pacific American Heritage Brothers & Sisters: Asian Pacific American Heritage Family Celebrations: Asian Pacific American Heritage My Celebrations: Books For Young Children Let's Talk About Babies! Books for Young Children My Siblings: Books for Young Children I Can Help! Books for Young Children