Tía Lola #3: How Tía Lola Saved the Summer

Product Description: Miguel Guzman isn't exactly looking forward to the summer now that his mother has agreed to let the Sword family — a father, his three daughters, and their dog — live with them while they decide whether or not to move to Vermont. Little does Miguel know his aunt has something up her sleeve that just may make this the best summer ever. With her usual flair, Tía Lola decides to start a summer camp, complete with magical swords, nighttime treasure hunts, campfires, barbecues, and an end-of-summer surprise!
Language: Spanish
Culture/Community: Dominican / Dominican American
Heritage & History: Caribbean Heritage and History, Hispanic Heritage and History
Themes for Children: Action and Adventure, Play and Imagination, Strong Girls and Women
Themes for Middle Grade/YA: Summer Stories, Family and Friends
Genre: Fiction
Format: Novel
Audiobook: No
Age Level: 9-12, Middle Grade
Publisher: Yearling