Yaqui Delgado Wants to Kick Your Ass

One morning before school, some girl tells Piddy Sanchez that Yaqui Delgado hates her and wants to kick her ass. Piddy doesn’t even know who Yaqui is, never mind what she’s done to get her attention. But as the harassment escalates, avoiding Yaqui and her gang starts to take over Piddy’s life. Is there any way for Piddy to survive without closing herself off or running away? In an all-too-realistic novel dealing head-on with bullying, Meg Medina draws upon her own experiences to portray a sympathetic heroine who is forced to decide who she really is. Winner Pura Belpré award.
Language: Spanish,Spanish vocabulary featured
Culture/Community: Cuban / Cuban American, Dominican / Dominican American
Heritage & History: Caribbean Heritage and History, Hispanic Heritage and History
Book Awards: Américas Award & Honor Books, Pura Belpré Award & Honor Books
Themes for Middle Grade/YA: Strong Girls and Women, Coming of Age, Identity, Mental Health, School, Urban Stories, Bullying
Genre: Fiction
Format: Novel
Audiobook: Yes
Age Level: Young Adult
Publisher: Candlewick
Book Series: Coming of Age: Big Changes, Coming of Age: Important Choices, Friends and Frenemies for Middle Grades and Young Adults: Hispanic Heritage, Growing Up in the Barrio: Books for Middle Grades and Young Adults, Identity: Who Am I?, Tough Topics: Bullying Books for Middle Grades and YA