Getting to Know Immigrant Students and Families

One of the most important steps that teachers can take to help their English language learners (ELLs) succeed is also one of the most basic: getting to know students and families. Even students at the beginning stages of learning English can share information about their families and experiences. Learn how to get started from the ideas in these resources.

Getting to Know Your Immigrant Students

Learn more about the factors that can impact immigrant students' experiences in U.S. classrooms, including prior education and literacy levels, hidden skills or talents, responsibilities at home, or previous traumatic experiences.

Special Populations: Immigrants and ELLs

Students may have unique social, emotional, and academic needs based on their prior experiences. Resources for working with special populations such as refugees, migrants, students with interrupted education, newcomer immigrants, unaccompanied children, children in mixed-status or undocumented families, and internationally adopted students are included in this section.

Creating a Welcoming Classroom

An important step in helping English language learners succeed is building their confidence and comfort level by making them feel welcome in the classroom and developing positive relationships with students. Learn more in this resource section.

ELL Family Outreach

Welcoming families at their child's school is an important way to start building a partnership.  This resource section includes ideas that all members of the school community can try!