Identifying Student Needs

Understanding what an English language learner needs to succeed is a process that takes time and may involve a variety of factors. It is not typically a question that can be answered by a single test, evaluation tool, conversation, or checklist. The following topics explore these different factors and offer ideas for identifying areas where a student may need additional support.
This resource section was made possible through our partnership with the National Education Association. Additional support was provided by the American Federation of Teachers.
What You'll Find in This Section
There are many reasons an ELL may be having a hard time academically, including language, culture, socio-economic background, or a learning difference or disability. Learn more about some of the factors that are important to understand when looking at the reason ELLs struggle.
Factors That May Look Like a Disability
One of the most important questions to ask when English language learners (ELLs) are struggling is whether they are receiving sound instruction by educators who are familiar with best practices for language acquisition. This section highlights some of those practices and offers some guiding questions for evaluating whether particular groups of students are succeeding.
Special Education and ELLs: ELL Programs and Support
What role does language play in the identification and instruction of English language learners who may have disabilities? What language should be used for evaluations and assessments? Learn more from the resources below.
Special Education and ELLs: The Role of Language
What do you need to know about a student's background and culture when identifying his or her strengths, challenges, and needs? What factors may make a difference for the child? Learn more from these resources and videos, as well as case studies that highlight experiences of students with diverse backgrounds and levels of schooling.
The Importance of Student Background
If an English language learner is struggling with reading, it's important to gather as much data as possible about the student's literacy background, strengths, and challenges. It is also important to understand the difference between benchmarks and interventions that are designed for native speakers, versus those that are designed with ELLs in mind. Learn more from the following resources and our interview with ELL literacy expert Dr. Nancy Cloud.