With a Star in My Hand: Rubén Darío, Poetry Hero
As a little boy, Rubén Darío loved to listen to his great uncle, a man who told tall tales in a booming, larger-than-life voice. Rubén quickly learned the magic of storytelling, and discovered the rapture and beauty of verse. He began to improvise his own poetic forms so he could capture the entire world in his words. At the age of twenty-one, he published his first book, Azul, which heralded a vibrant new literary movement called Modernismo that blended poetry and prose into something magical.
Culture/Community: Cuban / Cuban American
Themes for Middle Grade/YA: Action and Adventure Art & Photography Writing & Journals Identity Race, Racism, and Prejudice
Format: Novel
Age Level: Middle Grade
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Book Series: Famous Authors and Librarians: Hispanic Heritage Coming of Age: Big Changes Journeys in YA: Hispanic Heritage