How Administrators Can Support ELLs Through COVID-19

This section offers building and district leaders ideas on how to support ELL success and partner effectively with ELL families during COVID-19. It also includes related resources for further exploration. Stay tuned for more great content coming soon!
Featured Articles
- The Importance of Emergency Contact Information
- Communicating with ELL Families: 10 Strategies for Schools
- Supporting ELL Success with STEAM and Hands-On Learning (Part 2)
- "Mental health comes first": A Principal Shares Her Priorities for This Year (Part 3)
- How School Leaders New to Working with ELLs Can Partner with Families: 10 Strategies for Success
Related Video
Resource Pages
Multimedia Resources
- In This Together: Docuseries Featuring EL Program Leaders and Administrators (Ellevation Education)
- Supporting Language Learners: Proven Practices for School Leadership Teams (Empowering LLs Podcast)
Reports & Updates
Education Week
Migration Policy Institute
- Centering English Learners in Schools’ Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Lessons from the Pandemic: Weaknesses in K-12 Teacher Education Policies Fuel Inequities Facing English Learners
New America
- How Can State Leaders Support English Learners During COVID-19 and Beyond?
- State School Reopening Plans and English Learners