Colorín Colorado Blog: Helping ELLs Succeed
Welcome to our Colorín Colorado blog! This blog is focused on helping English language learners (ELLs) succeed in the classroom, with a special focus on strategies and tools that that support the use of college- and career-ready standards with ELLs.
The blog includes updates from the ELL field about topics such as language proficiency standards and assessments, as well as practical tips for developing academic language, helping ELLs tackle grade-level content, and collaborating with colleagues.
For related content, see our Common Core and ELLs resource section. You can also browse blog posts by topic.
In a speech given to the Association for a Better New York today, American Federation of Teachers’ President Randi Weingarten called for a moratorium on all “stakes” associated with the CCSS assessments.
In this post, I’ll first share some highlights of the Californians Together Common Core advocacy toolkit, and then I’ll leave you with my takeaways.
TESOL's 2013 issue brief on the CCSS for ELLs includes a brief history of the standards movement, information on how the Common Core State Standards were developed, and an overview of the Next Generation Science Standards.
In this week’s post, I will take a deeper look at the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) themselves and will share some resources on teaching science to ELLs with you.
The institute focused on how the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) will impact the ELL field and provide more depth, rigor and equity to science education.
First, I will set the stage by sharing one expert's view of academic language for ELLs. Next, I will introduce you to a new book series from Corwin that focuses on theory as well as practical ideas for teaching ELLs the academic language of mathematics and English language arts. Finally, I’ll showcase some practical examples for teaching mathematics to ELLs in grade 2 from one of the book’s chapters.
In this post, I’ll describe the shifts of the CCSS for Mathematics, share Dr. Anita Bright’s analysis of what the new standards will mean for ELLs, provide Dr. Judit Moschkovich’s recommendations for connecting mathematical content to language, and share some resources on the CCSS for Mathematics.
As we've been talking to ELL educators around the country, we're hearing a common (no pun intended) theme – teachers are buried i
In addition to this increased urgency to prepare all children for kindergarten, what is going to be expected of children once in kindergarten is changing. How can we best prepare rising kindergartner ELLs for the new demands of the CCSS?
One crucial aspect to consider is how collaboration will need to change to be effective with implementing the CCSS for ELLs. To that end, I’ll take a closer look here at teacher collaboration as one way to share the responsibility (and joy) of teaching ELLs the CCSS.